On the Wild Side

by Sue Lindenberg, Teddington Wildlife Photographer

Lockdown 3 – sadly that means that we are to stay at home which means that many people are again unable to visit parks and green spaces unless these are close to their homes. I am blessed to have Bushy and Home Parks on my doorstep so am able to visit for an hour each day for exercise – I hope these photos taken recently will bring some cheer to those of you who are living too far away.

On January 10th freezing fog from the previous night transformed Bushy Park into a winter wonderland – a phenomenon known as Rime. It was extraordinary as it only occurred  in Bushy Park, nowhere else locally. 

Apart from a few frosty mornings and the rime it has been a very wet and mild winter. A few days before Christmas a pair of Egyptian Geese in Bushy Park’s Woodland Gardens both surprised and delighted us by producing eleven babies. Several perished very early on, however, the remaining four are thriving – another of Mother Nature’s miracles. One morning I watched a pair of swans beginning to build a nest – I think they were just practising as they seem to have given up on that project! 

Please keep safe, look after yourselves and others by strictly conforming to the Lockdown rules which are imperative in order that the spread of the Covid 19 virus is contained.


Sue’s contact details are: suelindenberg7@gmail.com, 0740 333 2112

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